
napisał o I killed my mother

I have to disagree with the movie description: this is not a movie about the complexity of the bonds between mothers and sons. Instead, it is a dramatic exploration of the complexity of being the intellectual son of a woman who is not an intellectual. It could maybe be extended to those children who are just much smarter than their parents and who cannot be understood by them. No matter who his mother would have been, this young man would have to go through the hardship of accepting that his mother will never understand him and hence always have the wrong behavior with him. Tough times, indeed. I loved the part about being together NOW. This movie is touching and I join the thousands who congratulate the young writer/director/actor for such an achievement at his age. The photography is great, with creative framing, artistic geometrical compositions, warm (too much sometimes) and intimate colors. The music and sounds are discreet and deep. PS: the mother was not always convincing.