Le Mans '66 (2019)
Ford v Ferrari
James Mangold
Niestety, ten film nie ma jeszcze porządnego opisu.
Spróbuj na IMDb.
Christian Bale Ken Miles
Matt Damon Carroll Shelby
Caitriona Caitriona Mollie Miles
Jon Bernthal Lee Iacocca
Josh Lucas Leo Beebe
JJ Feild Roy Lunn
Ray McKinnon Phil Remington
Noah Jupe Peter Miles
Wyatt Nash Cool Young Buyer
Tracy Letts Henry Ford II
Jenelle McKee Ford Secretary
Roberta Sparta Ferrari Guest
Ian Harding Jimmy
Hélène Cardona French Nun
Fatimah Hassan Driver / Pedestrian
Wallace Langham Dr. Granger
Brea Bee Tiki Bar Waitress
Adam Mayfield Lloyd Ruby
Marisa Petroro Mrs. Henry Ford II
Jonathan LaPaglia Eddie
Ward Horton Burt
Dallas Chandler Raceway Guest
Rudolf Martin Dieter Voss
Brad Beyer Wayne
Stefania Spampinato Ferrari Translator
Jack McMullen Charlie Agapiou
Remo Girone Enzo Ferrari
Christopher Darga John Holman
Andrew Burlinson Ford Executive
Michael Gough Le Mans Announcer
Bridie Latona Claudia Cardinale
Paul Fox Commentator
Molly Malin Waitress
Lachlan Buchanan Celebrity MC
Benjamin Rigby Bruce McLaren
Sean Carrigan Walt Hansgen
Ben Collins Denny Hulme
Mark Krenik Shelby Pit Smokey
Tanner Foust Ronnie Bucknam
Drew Rausch Pilot Steve
Joseph Williamson Don Frey
Julian Miller Eric Broadley
Alex Gurney Dan Gurney
Evan Arnold SCCA Official / Bill
Bogdan Szumilas Scuderia Ferrari
Tiffany Yvonne Cox Janine
Arron Shiver Charlie Brockman
Alex Leontev Holman Moody Pit Crew / Ford Factory Worker
Troy Dillinger Ford Executive
Scott Rapp Police officer
Brooklyn McDaris Ford Box Woman
Joss Glennie-Smith FAV Mechanic
Emil Beheshti Aeronautics Chief Engineer
David Michael-Smith Race Photographer
Darin Cooper Sam
Kai Andersen Shelby Pitcrew
Grace Fae Ford Secretary
Alfredo Tavares Hero Ferrari Box
Arianna Tysinger Ford Pit Girl
Giulia Da Pian Ferrari Pit / Box Girl
Edwin Modlin II Ken - Ford Mustang Model
Michael Lanahan Brumos Executive
Corrado Invernizzi Franco Gozzi
Linda Victoria Romo Agnelli Italian Party Guest
Darren Jacobs British Commentator
Louis Fasanaro Ferrari factory Engine Builder
Sabina Nogic Ford box spectator
Daniel Aryeh Umberto Agnelli
Cailan Robinson Ford Executive
Alyona Khmara Shelby's Secretary
Savannah Cruz Raceway Guest
Cameron West Impala Dad
David Cohen Pit Marshall
Peter Arpesella Ferrari Pit Boss
Trent Walker Holman Moody Pit Crew
Giovanni Cirfiera Gianni Agnelli
Jeff Winn Flagger
Francesco Bauco Lorenzo Bandini
Vincent Di Paolo Ferrari Factory Worker
Patrick McGeough Reporter
Michelle Ells Impala Kid
Jillian Stuart Young Girl
Alex Wexo Holman Moody Pit Crew
Michael DeBartolo Ferrari Owner
Aylam Orian German Commentator
Cambria Elise Agnelli Guest
Dayna Brand Raceway Guest
Chris Spinelli Ferrari Factory Worker
Daniel Bondor Reporter / Race Spectator
Joe Don Harris British Ford Engineer
Rylee Cravens Le Mans Spectator
Guido Cocomello Ludo Scarfiotti
Ottavio Taddei Mario The Photographer
Sarah Jarman Ford Waitress
Shawn Law Gus Scussel
Marc Forget Le Mans Official #1
Sam Fusaro Shelby Pit Crew
Mario Di Donato Enzo Ferrari's Lawyer
David Rona Spectator
Jak Wyld Shelby Pit Crew
Hunter Jones Ferrari Pit Leader
Dallin McKay Cheering Spectator
Laurent Andruet French Public Announcer
Damon Preston Ferrari Pit Crew
Gian Franco Tordi Gianni Agnelli Security
Forrest Jade Raceway Guest
David John Kernick Ford Executive #22
Ryna Nevius Ford spectator
Skyler Marshall McLaren Pit Crew / Original Venice Crew
Merryn Landry Secratary
Zack Zublena French Commentator
Brandon Strauss Himself
Tim Banning Reporter
Sergi Cervera Factory Worker
Kirt Kishita Japanese Commentator
Guillaume Dabinpons
Kelsey Deroian Female Spectator
Larsen Deane Ronnie Larson
Michael Wayne Brown Floor Manager
James Tyler Paulson Phil Hill
Sean Renzetti Ferrari Pit Crew
Jeff Goins Shelby Pit Crew
Angelo Dibello Ferrari Pit Crew
Steven Ziel Ford Executive #3
Zachary Chicos Male Box Spectator
William Myers Frenchie / Ford Executive
Dylan James Boland Ford Executive
Stephane Fiorenza Le Mans official #2
Paul Riley Fox Autograph Seeker
Jason Breznikar Gendarme Soldier
Dave Marandola Shelby Cobra Worker
Jedediah Jenk Ford Factory Worker / Holman Moody Pit
Jake Ersek Santa Monica Reporter
Zachary Lee Neal Reporter
Brent Pontin Chris Amon
Alec Taylor Reporter
James Dunn Ford Model
Andy Morales Guitar player
Jim Marsilio Ford Pit Driver
Az Rudman Photographer
Tom David Gendarme
Blake Seltzer Photographer
Anton Nassif Porsche Pit Crew
Mark Deliman Polish Broadcast Announcer
Brandon Irvin Shelby Crew
Thomas John Rudolph Shelby pit crew / Big Mug
Sandy Burhans Race Spectator
Elizabeth Dement Ford Secretary #1
Corey Crandall Flag Boy
Amber Kasner Unveiling Daughter
Carl Collanus Photographer
Kyle Bell Ferrari Pit Driver
Paul Alan Dixon Reporter / TV Crew
Jeff Burhans Race Spectator
Garth Wynne-Jones Holman Moody Pit Crew / Ford Factory Worker
Kevin Fleenor Reporter
Leif Carlgren Ford Exec. Sean Reed
Sammie Denton Gendarme
Katelynn Dubow Ford's Secretary
Bonnie Antonini Ferrari Secretary
Philip Harville Box Spectator
Luna Munroe Raceway Guest
David Broyles Photographer
Cameron Hennings Autograph Seeker
Arthur J. Gonzales Driver / Bartender
Eric Paterniani Spectator
Jeremy Zaugg Pit Crew / Factory Worker
Morgan Combes Shelby Pit Crew
Alan Cevallos Ferrari Pit Crew
Matt Duran Gendarme
Daryl Deino Jerry Grant
Adrian Bondor Ford Technician / Reporter
Barrie Rose Box Seat Spectator
Jess Neal Shelby Pit Crew
Jorge Cevallos Shelby Pit Crew
James Karroum Factory Worker / Score Keeper
Gianni Ullio Hero Ferrari box
Zion Bell Factory Worker
Evin Charles Anderson Race Audience
Joshua Bankey Gendarme
Sarah Dale Race Spectator
Rick L. Dean Pedestrian
Americo Galli Reporter
Jeff M Hill Pit Crew
Samuel Martin Lewis Factory Worker
Mariah Maison Race Track Spectator
Chris Markle Pit Crew
Mallory Mckenzie Female Spectator
Eric Warwick Race enthusiast
Lily Winn Spectator
Jon Zepp Mario Andretti
Wyróżniona recenzja:
Ocena recenzenta:
Film Jamesa Mangolda jest szpanerski, spektakularny i efekciarski. Nasiąknięty do granic możliwości hollywoodzkością i z premedytacją skrojony pod zbliżający się sezon nagród. A jednak "Le Mans '66" to kino na wskroś romantyczne i nostalgiczne, bo przypominające wysokobudżetowe widowiska z lat 60. i 70. Pomimo tego, że samochody są tu niesamowicie szybkie, a rywalizacja toczy się o najwyższą stawkę, akcję pcha ...
Autor: Kasia Wolanin
Wielki błękit na szosie
Należy się może o gwiazdkę wyżej, bo to nie jest złe kino, ale strasznie śmierdzi hollywoodzką sztancą i jeszcze próbuje mnie wmanipulować w kibicowanie bucerskiemu miliarderowi, bo zatrudnił sympatycznych profesjonalistów. Poziom ekscytacji raczej średni, chyba filmy o wyścigach po prostu mnie nie zajmują.