Blaszany bohater (2007)
Tin Man
Nick Willing
Niestety, ten film nie ma jeszcze porządnego opisu.
Spróbuj na IMDb.
- Zooey Deschanel DG
- Alan Cumming Glitch
- Neal McDonough Wyatt Cain
- Kathleen Robertson Azkadellia
- Raoul Trujillo Raw
- Callum Keith Rennie Zero
- Richard Dreyfuss Mystic Man
- Ian A. Wallace Raynz
- Gwynyth Walsh Emily
- Kevin McNulty Hank
- Brenna O'Brien Ella Bedose
- Jake D. Smith Wills Bedose
- Anna Galvin Lavender eyes
- Cainan Wiebe Kalm
- Andrew Wheeler Mr. Bedose / ...
- Marilyn Norry Mrs. Bedose / ...
- Blu Mankuma Toto / ...
- Rachel Pattee Young DG
- Alexia Fast Young Azkadellia
- Doug Abrahams General Lonot
- Nickolas Baric State Trooper
- Ingrid Tesch Adora
- Andrew Francis Jeb
- Alexis Llewellyn Young DG
Wyróżniona recenzja:
The Wonderful Revisionist Re-Imaginings of Tin Man
Ocena recenzenta:
I’m so behind on the times, I actually felt compelled to re-watch “Tin Man,” since my first viewing in February, instantly on Netflix, occurred while I was more or less chained to my sofa with a herniated disc in my back. It’s a most unpleasant random injury that leads to the ingestion of a large amount of pain killers, so ...
Autor: Kylie Piette