Mary Poppins ReturnsAdmiral Boom2018
Ty, ja i onMichael Miller2017
Shakespeare's DaughterEugene Devlin2013
The Secret of Crickley HallPercy Judd2012
Czarna śmierćThe Abbot2010
Doctor Who: DreamlandLord Azlok2009
WiedźmikołajLord Downey2006
The League of Gentlemen's ApocalypseDr. Erasmus Pea2005
Lawendowe wzgórzeDr. Francis Mead2004
Panna Marple: 4:50 z PaddingtonLuther Crackenthorpe2004
AvatarJoseph Lau2004
The Code ConspiracyProfessor2002
Hornblower: RetributionCapt. James Sawyer2001
Powrót do tajemniczego ogroduDr. Snodgrass2001
SuperstitionJudge Padovani2001
Hornblower: MutinyCapt. James Sawyer2001
Planeta małpSandar2001
In the BeginningEliezer2000
Wing CommanderAdm. Geoffrey Tolwyn1999
Winnie the Pooh: A Valentine for YouNarrator1999
Krzyk 2Drama Teacher Gus Gold1997
TitanicSpicer Lovejoy1997
Seven ServantsBlade1996
RasputinDr. Botkin1996
ZojaPrince Vladimir1995
LodziarzRev. Langley1995
Signs and WondersRev Timothy Palmore1995
Inner Sanctum IIDr. Lamont1994
W paszczy szaleństwaDr. Wrenn1994
Worek na zwłokiDr. Lock1993
NecronomiconDr. Madden1993
Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep ScandalHarley Griswold1993
Świat zaginionyProfessor Summerlee1992
The Unnamable II: The Statement of Randolph CarterChancellor Thayer1992
Spies Inc.Arthur Cleague1992
Cast a Deadly SpellAmos Hackshaw1991
Star Trek VI: Wojna o pokójChancellor Gorkon1991
Wojownicze żółwie ninja II: Tajemnica szlamuProfessor Jordan Perry1991
Star Trek V: Ostateczna granicaSt. John Talbot1989
Wojna HannyCaptain Julian Simon1988
Gabinet figur woskowychDavid Lincoln1988
Nastoletni wampirProfessor McCarthy1987
Serc starania straconeDon Armado1985
Towarzystwo wilkówFather1984
A Christmas CarolBob Cratchit1984
FrankensteinThe Monster1984
Człowiek z dwoma mózgamiDr. Alfred Necessiter1983
TRONEd Dillinger / Sark / Voice of Master Control Program1982
Kochanica FrancuzaMurphy1981
Bandyci czasuEvil Genius1981
The IslandJohn David Nau1980
Port lotniczy '79Peter O'Neill1979
Podróż w czasieJack the Ripper - John Leslie Stevenson1979
Port lotniczy '79Peter O'Neill1979
The Thirty Nine StepsSir Edmund Appleton1978
HolocaustHeydrich / ...1978
OpatrznośćKevin Langham / Kevin Woodford1977
Age of InnocenceHenry Buchanan1977
Żelazny krzyżHauptmann Kiesel1977
Little MalcolmDennis Charles Nipple1974
From Beyond the GraveEdward Charlton1973
Nędzne psyHenry Niles1971
Ballada o Cable'u Hogue'uJoshua1970
Buntownik Michael KohlhaasMichael Kohlhaas1969
A Midsummer Night's DreamLysander1968
The FixerCount Odoevsky1968
Mewaher son Konstantin Treplev1968
Morgan: A Suitable Case for TreatmentMorgan Delt1966
The Deadly AffairEdward II1966
Przygody Toma JonesaMr. Blifil1963