Klub Towarzyski CheyenneSaloon Table Extra1970
Komputer w tenisówkachWaiter at Track1969
The Legend of Lylah ClarePress Party Guest1968
MadiganDance Extra1968
A Guide for the Married ManDiner at Romanoff's1967
Alvarez KellyDesk Clerk1966
How to Murder Your WifeMan at Club1965
The Cincinnati KidBettor1965
BrainstormMan at Sanity Hearing1965
MarnieRacetrack Extra1964
Goodbye CharlieParty Guest1964
Dead RingerParty Guest1964
Good Neighbor SamMcVale1964
Kisses for My PresidentDignitary in Car / Senator on Committee1964
The Wheeler DealersWaiter1963
Twilight of HonorCourtroom Spectator1963
Kid GalahadFight Crowd Extra1962
Przylądek StrachuJuror1962
Advise & ConsentSenator1962
Przeżyliśmy wojnęSenator1962
Arystokracja podziemiMan Who Helps Annie1961
Wyrok w NorymberdzeGerman Counsel1961
The Errand BoyPremiere Attendee1961
Duby smaloneDiner1960
Seven ThievesGambler1960
Nie jedzcie stokrotekMan in Elevator1960
The Facts of LifeBoard Member1960
Sunrise at CampobelloConvention Delegate1960
Bez emocjiReporter1959
Gunman's WalkTownsman1958
Chcę żyć!Juror1958
ZłoczyńcyPrison Board Member1958
PrymusExtra at The Bongo Club1958
St. Louis BluesTicket Seller1958
Party GirlCourtroom Spectator1958
Biuro na tranzystorachMember of the Board1957
The Monster That Challenged the Worldthe resort owner Davis1957
Man of a Thousand FacesChaney's Divorce Lawyer1957
The Garment JungleSalesman1957
Crime of PassionRestaurant Patron1957
Autumn LeavesExtra at Concert1956
Życie na szaliChurchgoer1956
Ransom!Bit Role1956
Ponad wszelką wątpliwośćCourt clerk1956
The Opposite SexStore Clerk Stampeded by Women1956
Najbolesniejszy upadekFight Crowd Extra1956
TrialMan at Defense Fund Rally1955
IllegalCourtroom Well-Wisher1955
Daddy Long LegsMan in Elevator1955
Pułapka miłościWedding Guest1955
It's Always Fair WeatherNightclub Extra1955
Na wschód od EdenuCity Official at Parade1955
MartyChurchgoer Extra1955
Good Morning, Miss DoveFaculty Member at Graduation1955
PożądanieGruber's Assistant at Inquest1954
PushoverBank Executive1954
White ChristmasGuest1954
The Human JunglePatron at 'The Hut'1954
Call Me MadamExtra in newsreel1953
Horizons WestHardin's Man at Table1952
Something to Live ForParty Guest1952
Opowieść z rodzinnych stronBarber1951
Up in Central ParkPolitician1948
The Perils of PaulineMan in Audience1947
Fallen AngelExtra1945
Week-End at the WaldorfWaiter1945
The ConspiratorsCafe Patron1944
I'll Be Seeing YouNew Yea'rs Eve Partygoer1944
Gambler's ChoiceClub Customer1944