After 4. Bez siebie nie przetrwamyDr. West2022
The OfferingMoishe2022
The Devil's LightFather Bernhard2021
PandoraDimitri / ...2019
Kod 211Randal2018
Bodyguard ZawodowiecProtester2017
Bullet HeadOld Man2017
Droga mistrzaReferee2016
Nobody Wants the NightFyodor2015
Niezniszczalni 3Art Broker2014
Żelazny IwanAmerican Neibour2014
Eliza GravesLoud man2014
Czarny lasVillage Elder2012
SupertankowiecCaptain Spyrou2011
Zimna fuzjaDrago2011
Lake Placid 3Dimitri2010
Dark RelicThe Abbot2010
Drapieżnik wykuty z loduBlake2010
Mission LondonKamal2010
Złodzieje gwiazdBilal2009
TurniejThe Owner2009
Złodziejski kodeksTarasov2009
Wojenny biznesGerman Businessman2008
Rin Tin TinHenri2007
Nightmare City 2035Dr. Jonathan DeMeo2007
HitmanThe Priest2007
Dragon DynastyShip's Captain2006
ZombiesBull Foreman2006
Champion 2Kiril2006
HannibalThe Cartagenian Senator2006
Alien ApocalypseManager2005
HammerheadDr. Krause2005
IconDebate Moderator2005
Obca krewFoster2005
The MechanikThe German2005
Man with the Screaming BrainThe Mayor Alexander Genkov2005
ZatopieniGrey Haired Waiter2005
Puppet Master vs Demonic ToysThe Mayor2004
AntidotumThe buyer2004
Boa vs. PythonLouis2004
Skazany na piekłoGeneral's Guest2003
Shark ZoneVolkoff2003
Monolit 2: EwolucjaSamuel2003
Pająki II: Morski koszmarThe Doctor2001
The Grey ZoneMoll2001
Polowanie na rekinaWill Tchenko2001
OctopusEmbassy employee 12000
U.S. SealsFoster Byrd1999
Zły generałThe Tailor1999
The AssetDon Preda