Profil użytkownika Sengir
How can you mess up great characters like Deadpool, Gambit and dare I say even Wolverine? The sinister anti-hero with the cloudy past is reduced to a poster boy for steriod consumption and comic (or what non-comic readers think of as comic) clichés. Liev Schreiber pleasantly surprises as a finally solid sabretooth, but this movie should have received a mercy kill after the first 20 minutes. Thanks a lot marvel for selling out yet again.
The saddest thing about this Michael Bay 'masterpiece' is the fact that every actor of the stellar cast didn't have the backbone to say no to the huge paycheck they were offered to film this flimsy excuse of a screenplay. Over the top, an excess of loud MTV editing combined with little to no decent character development apart from the cliches the actors are dropped in. This film ,like most of the Michael Bay fare, looks good but feels flat out empty.
What a major dissapointment after the quirky and poignant social satire of 'Super Size Me'. Although mildy amusing at times, the feel and thought of the movie never rises above that of mediocrity with a big budget. It sadly only underlines the somewhat misguided mainstream view of the 'average American' about the world and although meaning well, never does anything to change that and ends up even being a little condecending to it's audience. Sadly not a recommended flick...
A mindless superhero flick which trades in Ang Lee's directorial vision and the psychological essence of the hulk myth for a lot of big explosions and CGI extravaganza. Fans of the tv-series and the golden age marvel comic books might be thrilled, but those who go looking for a little depth in their super hero buffet, might want to look for a different restaurant. But hey, you can't compare fast food with haute cuisine anyway.
An interesting storyline and strong lead by Depp ruined by absolutely terrible digital cinematography, with rushed ugly shot following rushed ugly shot. A missed opportunity for Michael Mann.
Quite dissapointing, the same story we've seen a million times over ('Loser' anyone), the performances were what saved this one for me, but I can't believe this is getting such rave reviews. There's nothing here that makes it stand out from the thousand of movies in the same vein, a shame, especially after the hilariously absurd 'Superbad'.
A fitting farewell by Sly to his favorite creation. We've seen it all before, but this sequel comes the closest to recapturing the underdog/feel good vibe of the original. Although at times sentimental, the solid performance by Stallone lifts this film above the declining quality of most of the follow-ups in the series.
Given that this movie mostly counts on it's excellent plot twists, it's a bit hard to give it a fair score after seeing 'The Departed'. I think the latter basically upgrades the story with a lot more depth and drama and I personally prefer the remake quite a bit. That notwithstanding this is still an excellent fast-paced police thriller and a must-see for anyone who enjoys Asian Cinema.
An instant Spielberg classic, the opening scene is definitely one of the most memorable in modern war movie history. Come for the realistic depiction of the invasion of normandy, stay for the interesting characters and the profound look on how war can change any man...
A visually exciting and original retelling of the classic Dickens tale. Maybe not for story purists who can't handle a modernization like this (David Lean's version will be more your cup of tea), but I thoroughly enjoyed this film and it's excellent score by Patrick Doyle.
Adrien Brody's masterful performance matched with Polanski's heartbreaking depiction of the horrors of the ghetto and the nazi occupation of Poland make this a must see WWII epic.
The perfect collaboration of a great visionary mind in Gondry and a master storyteller in Charlie Kaufman. Reinvented the romantic comedy into a fantastic and heartfelt voyage into the mind and heart of the movie's main character. Stellar performances by the whole cast, Jim Carrey in particular (funny how comedians so often make great drama actors). A must see for anyone with a brain and a heart.
Combine the surreal humor of monty python, the totalitarian nightmare of Franz Kafka & George Orwell and the extreme vision of director/ professional madman Terry Gilliam. The result, a masterpiece of poetic fantasy.
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